Webmaster UX/UI & Senior Frontend Developer
¡Remote but always a click away!

No idea is impossible and the beauty of the challenge lies in the complexity of its realization. As long as you have the perseverance to achieve it, it will always be worth all the effort.

I am from Peru, but life has been good to me by allowing me to take my knowledge to different parts of the world without the need to be physically in other countries. I have made great friends throughout these years with whom I have an excellent relationship.

I travel whenever I can because the experiences of getting to know new places expand my creativity and understanding of the things, people and cultures that I then like to capture in my projects.

The gym is part of my life, my ideal psychologist who always helps me stay focused and with clear ideas, there is no better way for me to be balanced than doing a good exercise routine... If ever life gives us the possibility, we must train together!

If it doesn't work, don't pay for it. Ready to go!

CMS / Platforms
Mobile App
Extra Services
Online solutions for everyone!
Ecommerce for everyone
I am developming an ecommerce model to provide it as a service, this way everyone can opt for selling online if they do not have the resources to invest in a custom project. My motto in this project is: Technology should be available to everyone!
Your Personal Profile
Choose your landing page, for professionals who need to highlight their products or services quickly, elegantly and efficiently that allows you to increase your clients but more importantly, make them see you as the professional you are!
How I like to Work
Clients & Projects
Always one click away!